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The Excellence Cluster on TV: "Hidden charge"

From outside, neutrons appear to be electrically neutral. Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger, particle physicist at the Technische Universität München and Principal Investigator at the Excellence Cluster Universe, however, assumes that they have a kind of internal electricity. The science journalist Helmut Hetznecker takes a closer look at this question in his contribution to the TV program 3sat nano: “Versteckte Ladung” ("Hidden charge") .

According to fundamental Physics symmetries, no matter should exist in the Universe. But obviously, more matter than antimatter has emerged from the Big Bang. The particle physicist Peter Fierlinger is aiming at finding an explanation with a new experiment, presently being established at the research neutron source Heinz Maier- Leibnitz (FRM II). The neutrons from the neutron source in Garching are slowed down to bike speeds. With these so-called ultra-cold neutrons, among other things, the electric dipole moment of the neutron could be determined with the utmost accuracy. Currently, a new source of ultra-cold neutrons is set up at the FRM II. The density of these particles will be a factor of thousand higher than at other sources, and thus, the FRM II source would provide the largest source of ultra-cold neutrons in the world.

"Versteckte Ladung" on 3satmediathek

Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger explains the set up of his experiment at the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II). (Foto: Riedel/EXC)

Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Exzellenzcluster Universe

Boltzmannstr. 2
D-85748 Garching

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