About us
Extremes collide in outer space: unimaginable distances, gigantic galaxies - as well as tiny particles that are, however, of substantial significance for the development of the Universe. In order to be able to explore the developmental steps and epochs of the Universe, different areas in physics have to work together. In the Excellence Cluster Universe, nuclear and particle physicists, cosmologists, astronomers and astrophysicists join forces to shed light on the secrets of the Universe. Read more ....
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Zeroing in on the tau lepton: new Max-Planck Fellow Group led by Stephan Paul
A new research group will be launched at the Max Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) in early January 2019. Its main focus will be on the analysis of ...
Atomic and Subatomic Physics: Swiftly sifting the data
Large-scale experiments in fundamental research require more and more computing and storage resources. German physicists have now joined forces to ...
Universe PhD Award 2018 for Bernhard Flierl and Titouan Lazeyras
Bernhard Flierl (LMU) and Titouan Lazeyras (MPA) are awarded the Universe PhD Award 2018 of the Cluster of Excellence Universe for their outstanding ...