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IceCube: First evidence of astrophysical high-energy neutrinos

The IceCube collaboration reported significant progress in their search for astrophysical neutrinos at the IceCube Particle Astrophysics (IPA) ...


Universe Awards 2013: Call for Promotional Thesis Awards

For the sixth time, the Exellence Cluster Universe will award two outstanding dissertations in the field of astro-, nuclear and particle ...


Researchers find hints of supernova iron in bacteria microfossils

In fossil remnants of iron-loving bacteria, researchers of the Cluster of Excellence Origin and Structure of the Universe at the Technische ...


Nearly 5 million euros for high-precision experiments with ultra-cold neutrons

Again, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) supports the development of high-precision experiments with ultra-cold neutrons. For the measurement ...


Scientists assess the radioactive signal of the Earth’s mantle

From a long-term measurement of geo-neutrinos at the neutrino detector Borexino, scientists have assessed the radioactive signal of the long-lived ...


Three cluster members represent the Committee for Astroparticle Physics in Germany

Three members of the Excellence Cluster Universe were elected as representatives of their research fields into the Committee for Astroparticle ...


The universe is older than previously assumed

The Big Bang occurred 120 Million years earlier than previously assumed, this appears from data of the Planck-Mission, today released by the ...

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Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Exzellenzcluster Universe

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